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Business Analysis Fundamentals
Unlike other courses, Communication Skills Machine is the complte course …
Business Analysis Fundamentals
What you'll learn
Everthing you need to know to develop your communication skills
Become more persuasive & influential in business and life
Beginner Nikon Digital SLR (DSLR) Photography
You’ll learn how all those buttons and dials work on …
Beginner Nikon Digital SLR (DSLR) Photography
What you'll learn
You will learn how to adjust your shutter speed and why you would choose one shutter speed over another.
You will learn to recognize the difference between depth-of-field blur and motion blur.
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Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning in Python
Artificial Intelligence has become the centrepiece of strategic decision making …
Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning in Python
What you'll learn
Be ready to apply your newly-acquired knowledge in your current organization.
Make informed strategic decisions for yourself and your business.
Applying Data Analytics in Marketing
This course introduces students to the science of business analytics …
Applying Data Analytics in Marketing
What you'll learn
Get the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges they confront daily in their professional lives.
Identify the ideal analytic tool for their specific needs
Understand valid and reliable ways to collect, analyze, and visualize data
Utilize data in decision making for their agencies, organizations or clients.
Android Java Masterclass – Become an App Developer
The Ionic framework is an open source library of mobile-optimized …
Android Java Masterclass – Become an App Developer
What you'll learn
The basics of the technology
Background behind the technology.
The advantages of mobile apps
Cover basics as well as advanced concepts and technologies.
Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization
In this Specialization, you’ll learn to frame business challenges as …
Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization
What you'll learn
Helps to predict performance
Increased the retention rates
Boost in cost efficiency
Adobe Illustrator CC – Essentials Training Course
Are you frustrated trying to teach yourself Adobe Illustrator?! This …
Adobe Illustrator CC – Essentials Training Course
What you'll learn
With the skills learned in this course, you'll have a highly-desired skill that can help you get jobs and make money as a graphic designer.
Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard application when it comes to graphic design, so it's important for you to learn it if you want to be a professional designer.
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10X Neuroplasticity SUPERPOWER: Build Better Mental Health
At least 35% of people experience a mental illness like …
10X Neuroplasticity SUPERPOWER: Build Better Mental Health
What you'll learn
Know 10 ways that you can change your brain’s chemistry, structure, and function.
Learn how to prime your brain to be healthier and happier.
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“Breath is Life” Pranayama & meditation course
This course features five sections with 28 unique lessons. In …
“Breath is Life” Pranayama & meditation course
What you'll learn
Learn about the interaction of the nervous system with the poses
How mindfulness meditation and specific methods of breathing
Further tap into your body’s innate rest-and-recovery response.
Learn to move your body in more specifically healing ways
Experience greater integrity and therapeutic effect from any yoga practice.